WP1 Inventory of current eGovernment landscape

1.1 Member State eGoverment Baseline

The purpose of this deliverable is to take stock at the existing eGovernment landscape in Europe forimplementation of eServices and cross border enablers, identifying existing national eGovernmentcapacities, major setbacks and potential drivers for the project implementation.

1.2 Updated Member State eGovernment Baseline

The purpose of the present deliverable (D1.2) is to provide a current overview and analysis of theeGovernment landscape in Europe. In that sense, it is a continuation of a previous effort to provide aninitial view of the European eGovernment services at the beginning of DE4A.

1.3 Member State Once Only and data strategy Baseline

The purpose of this deliverable is to take stock of the existing eGovernment landscape in Europe forimplementation of eServices and cross border enablers, identifying existing national eGovernmentcapacities, major setbacks and potential drivers for the DE4A project implementation.

1.4 Updated Member State Once Only and data strategy baseline

The purpose of this deliverable is to take stock of the existing Once Only capabilities at national andcross-border level, as well as national data strategies referring to access provisions to base registryservices.

1.5 Baseline EU Building Blocks supporting Once Only and standard data sharing patterns

The project Digital Europe for All (DE4A) was launched in January 2020 as a result of collaboration of27 organizations from 11 countries of the European Union.

1.6 Updated EU Building Blocks supporting OnceOnly and standard data sharing patterns

The purpose of this study is to take stock of the existing reusable Building Blocks supporting datasharing, Once Only Principle and interoperability, enabling the implementation of services for citizensand business in the European Union.

1.7 Legal, technical, cultural and managerial barriers

The concept of a truly single market of digital services for cross-border citizens and businesses holdstremendous potentials in terms of ease of life and economic gains.

1.8 Updated legal, technical, cultural and managerial risks and barriers

The concept of a truly single market of digital services for cross-border citizens and businesses holdstremendous potentials in terms of ease of life and economic gains.

WP2 Architecture Vision and Framework

2.1 Architectural Framework

The architecture framework of the “Digital Europe for All” project (DE4A) provides the methodological foundation for the overall project.

2.2 Initial DE4A Trust Management Models and Blockchain Support Framework

This deliverable is a first version of the design of the Trust Management Models and BlockchainSupport framework produced in the context of Task 2.2 “Trust Management Models” in “WP2Architecture vision and framework”.

2.3 Final DE4A Trust Management Models and Self-Sovereign Identity Supporting Framework Design

The present document has addressed multiple aspects related with the establishment and maintenance of trust needed in relation to the five different evidence exchange patterns (intermediation, user support intermediation, verifiable credential, lookup, subscription & notification) defined and

2.4 Project Start Architecture (PSA), First iteration

The Project Start Architecture (PSA) provides a starting point and guidance to the three DE4A pilotprojects, which are essential in providing Evidence of the benefits of the full implementation of theonce-only and digital-by-default principles and user centricity and the transformative impact of

2.5 Project Start Architectures (PSA), second iteration

This document is the formal public delivery D2.5. It is a new, restructured, and shortened version of the PSA, considering recent developments and new insights in addition to two new interaction patterns.

2.6 Service Interoperability Solutions Toolbox

This document accompanies the DE4AWiki, which is in fact the real deliverable D2.6, the "Service interoperability solution toolbox" .In the technical work packages of DE4A, as well as in the technical task team and in DE4A participating organizations, different levels and types of speci

2.7 Interoperability Architecture for Cross-border Procedures and Evidence Exchange in light of the Single Digital Gateway Regulation

Taking the first version of the Once-Only Technical System (OOTS) [18] (due 12.12.2023), as a starting point, a mid-term future, multi-pattern, target architecture is sketched in terms of high-level business processes and application flows.

2.8 Beyond interoperability: One Network for Europe (ONE)

One objective of DE4A is to envision different target architecture states at different time horizons that provide guidance to the further development of European governmental interoperability solutions and platforms.

WP3 Semantic Interoperability Solutions

3.1 Initial requirements for semantic assets

This document assembles the initial requirements as far as semantic interoperability is concerned within the context of Digital Europe for All (DE4A) project. To achieve this, analysis of existing taxonomies and libraries of core vocabularies is performed.

3.2 Final Requirements for Semantic Assets

This deliverable exhaustively provides the final requirements as far as semantic interoperability is concerned within the context of the Digital Europe for All (DE4A) project.

3.3 Semantic Framework – Initial version

This document is a first version of the design of the DE4A semantic framework produced in the contextof Task 3.2 “Design of the semantic interoperability framework” in “WP3 Semantic InteroperabilitySolutions”.

3.4 Semantic Framework – Final Version

This document is the final version of the DE4A semantic framework produced in the context of Task 3.2 “Design of the semantic interoperability framework” in “WP3 Semantic Interoperability Solutions”.

3.5 Semantic Toolkit – Initial version

This document is an initial version of the implementation of a toolkit for the semantic layer stack in the context of Task 3.3 “Implementation of the semantic tools” for delivering cross-border public services.

3.6 Semantic Toolkit - Final Version

This present deliverable is the final version of the DE4A toolkit developed for the semantic layer stack in the context of DE4A WP3 “Semantic Interoperability Solutions” for delivering DE4A cross-border public services.

3.7 Machine Learning Algorithms

The implementation of the Once-Only Principle (OOP) for public services at European level faces a great challenge: semantic interoperability. To a large extent, cross-border semantic interoperability has been addressed by developing common data models and formats for the information to exchange.

WP4 Cross-border Pilots for Citizens and Business and Evaluation

4.1 Studying abroad - Use cases Definition and Requirements

The Studying Abroad pilot of the “Digital Europe for All” (DE4A) project aims at demonstrating in practice the benefits for different European Higher Education Area stakeholders of realizing across borders the principles of Once Only and Digital-by-Default.

4.10 Moving Abroad – Pilot Planning

The Moving Abroad (MA) pilot of the DE4A project, implements eProcedures for moving and livingabroad in Luxembourg, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

4.11 Moving Abroad – Initial Running Phase

The Moving Abroad (MA) pilot of the DE4A project implements electronic procedures for moving andliving abroad in Luxembourg, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Spain.

4.12 Moving Abroad Final Running Phase Report v1.0

This document is the final report on the DE4A Moving Abroad pilot, providing conclusions and lessons learnt from piloting the cross-border exchange of information in the context of the Single Digital Gateway Regulation (SDGR).

4.13 Methodology and Mid-Term Evaluation Report

This is the first deliverable of the task of DE4A’s “Cross-border Pilots for Citizens and Business and Evaluation”, corresponding to the Mid-term Evaluation of the achievements and results obtained so far -with respect to pilot and project objectives- for the three DE4A Pilots: Studying Abroad (S

4.14 Pilots Final Evaluation Report

This is the final deliverable of the task of DE4A's "Cross-border Pilots for Citizens and Business and Evaluation", corresponding to the Final Evaluation of the achievements and results obtained through the piloting phases -with respect to pilot and project objectives- by the three

4.2 Studying Abroad – Pilot Planning

The Studying Abroad (SA) pilot of the “Digital Europe for All” (DE4A) project focuses on HigherEducation students with virtual or physical mobility needs in the European Higher Education area.

4.3 Studying Abroad – Initial running phase

This document reports the progress achieved in the pilot in the first iteration until the end of February.

4.4 Studying Abroad - Final Running Phase v1.0

The Studying Abroad (SA) pilot of the "Digital Europe for All" (DE4A) project aimed at demonstrating in practice the benefits for different European Higher Education Area stakeholders of realizing across borders the principles of "Once Only" and "Digital-by-default".

4.5 Doing Business Abroad - Use cases definition and requirements

The Doing Business Abroad pilot of the “Digital Europe for All” (DE4A) project demonstrates the benefits of the Once Only Principle and the Digital by default principle for companies and public authorities cross-border.

4.6 Doing Business Abroad – Pilot Planning

This deliverable specifies the design of the Doing Business Abroad (DBA) pilot and provides a plan formanaging all activities in the upcoming two phases: customization and integration phased and pilotrunning phase.

4.7 Doing Business Abroad - Initial Running Phase

This document embodies the intermediate report on the DE4A Doing Business Abroad pilot, providing preliminary conclusions and lessons learned from piloting the cross-border exchange of information in the context of the Single Digital Gateway.

4.8 Doing Business Abroad - Final Running Phase Report v1.0

Report on the DE4A Doing Business Abroad (DBA) pilot, providing final analysis of results obtained, conclusions and lessons learned from piloting the cross-border exchange of information in the context of the Single Digital Gateway (SDG).

4.9 Moving Abroad - Use cases definition and requirements

The main goal of the Moving abroad pilot is to facilitate the evidence exchange when citizens are moving abroad. The benefits of this will be fewer physical movements of citizens to fetch the evidence and less interventions of civil servants resulting in a faster evidence exchange.

WP5 Common Component Design & Development

5.1 First inventory of features for products/components

The following deliverable contains confidential information.

5.2 Final inventory of features for products- components

This deliverable describes the set of features necessary for the common specifications and components of the DE4A project to build a fully operational environment.

5.3 Initial technical design of interfaces and common specifications

5.4 Final technical design of interfaces and common specifications

This deliverable provides the technical design of the interfaces between the DE4A components that facilitate the integration among different technologies used by Member States.

5.5 First Release of DE4A Common Components

The following deliverable contains confidential information.

5.6 Final release of DE4A common components 1.0

The present document is written in the context of DE4A work package "WP5 Common Component Design & Development" and under the task "T5.3 Construction of Common Products and Components & Change Management".

5.7 Initial Release of DE4A Self-Sovereign Identity Supporting Framework

5.8 Final Release of DE4A Self-Sovereign Identity Supporting Framework

This deliverable describes the final version of the DE4A Self-Sovereign Identity Supporting solution that implements the Verifiable Credentials pattern, which is piloted in the Diploma Recognition use case of the DE4A Studying Abroad pilot.

5.9 Final packaging of DE4A Components

The present document is written in the context of DE4A work package "WP5 Common Component Design & Development" and under the task T5.5 Support and results packaging.DE4A has released a set of common components for the cross-border implementation of the once-only principle that are

WP6 Sustainable impact and new governance models

6.1 Methodological Approach

WP6 “Sustainable impact and new governance models” aims to develop business and governance models for long-term sustainability and evaluate their direct impact on public administration (and indirectly on businesses and citizens).

6.2 Business Models for Sustainability

This document sets out to design new DE4A generic models and give the Member States (MS) and other stakeholders a starting point for appropriation in roadmaps.

6.3 New Models for Shared Delivery of Common Services Roadmap

This deliverable outlines the key aspects for sustainability and governance of the DE4A results. Sustainability is referring to all actions needed in order to assure the long-term success of the project outputs.

WP7 Legal and ethical compliance and consensus building

7.1 Overview of legal and ethical requirements

The following deliverable contains confidential information.

7.2 Initial Report on legal and ethical recommendations and best practices

This deliverable is the second formal output of WP7 (Legal and ethical compliance and consensus building) for the DE4A project and aims to summarise all legal and ethical compliance activities undertaken in the course of the project, including any recommendations, draft texts, and legal and ethic

7.3 Final Report on legal and ethical recommendations and best practices

This deliverable is the third and final formal output of WP7 (Legal and ethical compliance and consensus building) for the DE4A project.

7.4 DE4A Deliverable DE4A D7.4 Report on Legal Sustainability - v1.0

D.4 is the final output of the Legal and ethical compliance and consensus building workpackage of the DE4A project. Its objective is to capture the possibilities, requirements and opportunities for the sustainability of the project from a legal perspective.

WP8 Stakeholder dialogue, dissemination and communication

8.1 Dissemination and Communication Strategy

This document defines the dissemination and communication strategy for the DE4A project.

8.2 Project Website

This document is an introduction to the operational status of the website and social media. The deliverable itself is the website and this short report documents it.

8.3 Dissemination and Communication Activities Report M12

This document reports the detailed dissemination and communication activities, undertaken duringthe first year of the DE4A project (January 1st 2020- 31st December 2020) following the strategydescribed in the deliverable “D8.1 Project Dissemination and Communication Strategy”.

8.4 Dissemination and Communication Activities Report M24

This document reports the detailed dissemination and communication activities, undertaken during year 2 of the DE4A project (January 1st 2021 to 31st December 2021) following the strategy described in the deliverable “D8.1 Project Dissemination and Communication Strategy”, and following on from “

8.5 Dissemination and Communication Final Report

Report on the dissemination and communication activities undertaken during the third and final period (January 2022 - April 2023).

WP9 Project Coordination and Management

9.1 Project Handbook

The following deliverable contains confidential information.

9.2 Periodic Activity Report M6

The following deliverable contains confidential information.

9.3 Data Management Plan

The following deliverable contains confidential information.

WP10 Ethics requirements

10.1 H-Requirement No 1

The following deliverable contains confidential information.

10.3 POPD-Requirement No 3

The following deliverable contains confidential information.

10.4 GEN-Requirement No 4

The following deliverable contains confidential information.

10.5 GEN-Requirement No 5

The following deliverable contains confidential information.