ATOS Spain SA (Coordinator)

Atos SE (Societas Europaea) is a leader in digital transformation with circa 100,000 employees in 72 countries and pro forma annual revenue of circa € 12 billion. Serving a global client base, the Group is the European leader in Big Data, Cybersecurity, Digital Workplace and provides Cloud services, Infrastructure & Data Management, Business & Platform solutions, as well as transactional services.

Administrative Modernization Agency (AMA), Portugal

AMA is the public institute that exercises the powers of the Ministry of State Modernization and Public Administration in the areas of modernization and administrative simplification and digital government, under the supervision of the Secretary of State for Innovation and Administrative Modernization. Its action is divided in three axes: public service delivery, digital transformation and simplification.


The goal of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs is to further enhance the positive development of the Austrian business location, to actively take advantage of the opportunities offered by the digitalisation of business and society and to strengthen entrepreneurship. The tasks of the Ministry are performed by various Centres and Directorates General with differing priorities (the exact designation of these organisational units will be detailed in new administrative rules). The tasks of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs include the comprehensive offerings of the e-government sector, the overall coordination of e-government as well as the digital transformation of the economy and society in Austria. BMDW is a Linked Party to BRZ in DE4A project.

Bundesrechenzentrum (BRZ)

The Federal Computing Centre of Austria – Bundesrechenzentrum (BRZ) is the market-leading e-government partner of the federal administration in Austria. It develops and operates the main federal eGovernment applications, including the applications of the Federal Ministries of Finance and Justice.

CIO Office Govt of Romania

CIO Office, a structure within the Romanian Government, which coordinates the field of information technology in the entire central public administration. It is led by Marian Murguleț, Chief Information Officer, Secretary of State.


EEMA is the Brussels-based, leading, Not For Profit, Independent European Think Tank, addressing topics on Identification, Authentication, Privacy, Risk Management, Cybersecurity, the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Applications.


ICTU is an independent advisory and project organization within the government. We work from the conviction that IT helps the government with social issues. ICTU helps governments improve their services with ICT, in the service of public administration. Together with our clients we realize high-quality digital services. We connect knowledge to expertise and solutions to issues.


INESC-ID (IN-ID) is one of the most dynamic research institutes in Portugal in the areas of computer science & engineering, electronics, and telecommunications ( In close cooperation with its partners, INESC-ID has emerged as an institution of reference, intensely involved in a number of high-visibility projects that have defined the state of the art in these areas, both at national and international levels. The institute integrates a body of highly qualified researchers, which includes more than 100 with a PhD degree and a large number of graduate students. The majority of the senior researchers are professors, most of them from the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST, University of Lisboa (ULisboa).

International Hellenic University, Greece

The International Hellenic University (IHU) was established in October 2005 by Law No. 3391 and is based in Thessaloniki, Greece. The IHU is Greece’s first public university where programmes are taught exclusively in English. The three central tenets of the IHU’s philosophy are academic excellence, practical relevance and international outlook.

Jozef Stefan Institut, Slovenia

Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI) is the leading research institution in Slovenia for pure and applied research in the natural sciences and technology. At present, the Institute, totalling about 1.000, has a research staff of about 700. In view of its activities and status, JSI plays a role of a kind of national institute, complementing the role of universities and bridging the gap between science and applications.

Luxembourg Government IT Centre

CTIE is the IT Centre of Luxembourg Central Government. Due to the highly centralised nature of management, development, maintenance and support in the field of eGovernment and ICT at central Government level, CTIE is responsible directly or indirectly for more than 90 % of all ICT infrastructures, solutions, projects, etc. at the level of central Government in Luxembourg.

Ministerio de Política Territorial y Función Pública, Espana

The Ministerio de Política Territorial y Función Pública (former Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública - MINHAP) is the Spanish public body in charge and full responsible for the eGovernment strategy. It promotes the complete incorporation of information technologies and communications for the provision of public services through simplified procedures and processes aiming at the modernization of the entire sector.

Ministry of Internal Affairs, Govt of Romania

The Ministry of Internal Affairs sets measures for safeguarding human fundamental rights and liberties, as well as for protecting the public and private property. It organizes and develops, through specialized structures, activities for preventing and countering terrorism, organized crime, illicit drug trafficking and consumption, trafficking in persons, illegal migration, cybercrime, as well as other crimes and antisocial deeds, according to the law.

Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations,The Netherlands

BZK stands for effective public administration and public authorities that the public can trust. BZK helps people live in affordable, safe, energy-efficient homes in pleasant neighbourhoods where everyone counts and everyone takes part. BZK is the main ministry responsible for the digital transformation of the Netherlands

National Trade Register Office, Romania

National Trade Register Office (NTRO) is a public institution with legal personality, organized under the Ministry of Justice, financed entirely from the state budget through the Ministry of Justice. NTRO's vision is to contribute to the development of the business environment in Romania by providing quality public services, flexible and geared to the specific needs of applicants.

Netherlands Enterprise Agency

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate stands for a sustainable and enterprising Netherland. Together with its partners, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate is working on the prosperity of all Dutch, now and in the future. The ministry stands for an open economy with a strong international competitive position, and stimulates innovation and use the economic and social opportunities of digitization.

Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

MIZS/MoESS covers national policy in the areas of education, science and technology. Its vision is to develop a responsible, knowledge-based society, and to create conditions for the development of happy and socially responsible generations. Its values are expertise, cooperation, responsibility and liability, satisfaction of citizens and employees, and creativity.

Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Public Administration

The Ministry of Public Administration is one of 14 ministries that constitute the Slovenian government and has around 550 employees. Its main task is to optimize and ensure resources needed by other ministries and the wider public sector in order to provide efficient and high quality public services to its citizens.

Skatteverket, Sweden

Skatteverket is accountable to the government, but operates as an autonomous public authority. This means that the government has no influence over the tax affairs of individuals or businesses. Skatteverket´s main functions are: Taxes, Population registration, and Estate inventories.

Stockholm University - eGovlab, Sweden

eGovlab is an independent centre at Stockholm University and is located at the Department of Computer & System Sciences. eGovlab is a place where we are developing the future of inclusive governance – not just in theory but also in practice.

Swedish Companies Registration Office

Bolagsverket registers companies and associations and makes annual reports official. At the website there is functions which allows a user to search for and buy business information from the registers. The Swedish companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket) is one of the lead Agencies in development of Swedish E-governmental infrastructure.


Time.lex is a boutique law firm based in Brussels, specialised in information and technology law in the broadest sense, including privacy protection, data and information management, e-business, intellectual property and telecommunications. Its activities cover all legal issues encountered in the creation, management and exploitation of information and technology, in all of its diverse forms.

Universitat Jaume I de Castelló, Espana

Universitat Jaume I is a higher education and research institution created in 1991 that promotes the social, economic and cultural development of the society of its environment by means of the creation and transmission of knowledge. The UJI was born with a clear vocation to consolidate itself as a modern, dynamic and enterprising university.