Towards a catalogue of Self-Sovereign Identity Design Patterns

University of Maribor
Špela Čučko, Vid Keršič, Muhamed Turkanović
Applied Sciences

Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) is a user-centric, decentralised identity approach that provides a means for identification, authentication, and authorisation without the involvement of external entities, responsible for identity provisioning and management in current centralised and federated appr

DTGov: Digital Transformation of Government Business Processes

Nuno Marques, Andre ́ Vasconcelos
Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS)

Today, companies cannot rely on outdated systems, governments being no exception. There are multiple bene- fits when performing the digital transformation (DT) of its processes, but also several downsides such as costs.

A Canonical Evidence-based Approach for Semantic Interoperability in Cross-border and Cross-domain e-Government Services

Stockholm University
Thashmee Karunarathne, Efstratios Kontopoulos, Ioannis Konstantinidis, and Ana Rosa Guzmán Carbonell
15th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2022). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

This paper demonstrates a proof of concept for cross-border information exchange guided by the single digital gateway regulation (SDGR) and once-only principle (OOP). The research systematically investigates the challenges and limitations of existing solutions for semantic interoperability.

Government Big Data Ecosystem: Definitions, Types of Data, Actors, and Roles and the Impact in Public Administrations

School of Science & Technology, International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, Greece
Shah, Syed Iftikhar Hussain, Peristeras, Vassilios, & Magnisalis, Ioannis.
Journal of Data and Information Quality

The public sector, private firms, business community, and civil society are generating data that are high in volume, veracity, and velocity and come from a diversity of sources. This type of data is today known as big data.

Supporting Learning Mobility with Student Data Harmonisation—A European Perspective

Stockholm University
Karunaratne, T., & Kontopoulos, E.
Academic Conferences International Limited, UK

Digitalisation promotes online education, internationalisation and student mobility. Based on the Bologna process and the European higher education area, learning mobility has been successful under Erasmus and other similar initiatives.

Anonymous Trusted Data Relocation for TEEs

INESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Vasco Guita, Daniel Andrade, João Nuno Silva, Miguel Correia
37th International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection (SEC 2022)

Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) technology like ARM TrustZone allows protecting confidential data using cryptographic keys that are bound to a specific TEE and device.

Knowledge-Driven Unsupervised Skills Extraction for Graph-Based Talent Matching

IHU - International Helenic University
Konstantinidis Ioannis, Maragoudakis, Magnisalis, Berberidis, & Peristeras.
ACM Digital Library

In human resource management of large organisations, finding the best candidate for a job description requires an extensive examination of a large number of resume profiles.

Towards the Classification of Self-Sovereign Identity Properties

University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: Maribor, Maribor, SI
Špela Čučko, Šeila Bečirović, Aida Kamišalić, Saša Mrdović, Muhamed Turkanović
IEEE Access

Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) is a novel and emerging, decentralized digital identity approach that enables entities to control and manage their digital identifiers and associated identity data while enhancing trust, privacy, security, and the many other properties identified and analyzed in this

The European Research Project DE4A and the Austrian Pilot

Carl-Markus Piswanger and Olga Suchow
Proceedings of Ongoing Research, Practitioners, Workshops, Posters, and Projects of the International Conference EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2022, p236

The European project Digital Europe for All (DE4A, represents a research project in a close relationship to the European Single Digital Gateway Regulation (SDGR). It focusses on the research on “Trust” and “Semantics”, combined with three pilots.

Semantic Reusable Web Components: A Use Case in E-Government Interoperability

Applied Informatics
Žitnik, S., Kern Pipan, K., Jesenko, M. and Lavbič, D

Advances in technology and software engineering strive to build efficient and robust techniques that would be delivered as quickly as possible. It has been shown that this can be achieved by reusing existing implementations, libraries, components or even frameworks.

SRX - Secure Data Backup and Recovery for SGX Applications

INESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Daniel Andrade, João Silva, Miguel Correia
IEEE Access

Intel SGX improves the security of applications by shielding code and data from untrusted software in enclaves. Since enclaves lose their state when closed, that state has to be sealed, i.e., cryptographically protected with a secret key, and stored outside the enclave boundary.

DaLiF: a data lifecycle framework for data-driven governments

School of Science & Technology, International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, Greece
Shah, Syed Iftikhar Hussain, Peristeras, Vassilios; Magnisalis, Ioannis
Journal of Big Data

The public sector, private firms, business community, and civil society are generating data that is high in volume, veracity, velocity and comes from a diversity of sources. This kind of data is known as big data.