Disclaimer: completed project
DE4A: Digital Europe for All (GA 870635), formally completed activities in April 2023, and then further organised a final workshop in October 2023.
Project documentation and information is kept available through this website (completed project).
Workshop for starting EBSI projects on DE4A results
On October 25, 2023 at 12:00 CET, DE4A organises a workshop primarily addressed to starting EBSI projects (VECTOR, EBSI-NE, TRACE4EU, ONEPASS), in order to communicate relevant DE4A outcomes for these projects.
EU eGovernment landscape: DE4A Summary report
The DE4A project has conducted extensive activities to provide overview and analysis of the EU eGovernment landscape. This report summarizes the key findings from the inventory activity, which focused on various aspects of eGovernment implementation, adoption and barriers.
Ana Rosa Guzmán at OOTS Implementer's Café.
Ana Rosa Guzmán, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation (Spain) presented "DE4A, Multilingual Ontology Repository and User Interface" at the 5th OOTS Implementer’s café on May
DE4A held the DE4A Final Event
DE4A held the DE4A Final Event (online, April 12th 2023) which provided an overview of the project's results and lessons learnt. Thank you to the speakers and attendees for an interesting event!
DE4A Final Event
DE4A is honoured to invite you to the DE4A Final Event (online, April 12th 2023) which provides a quick, easy-to-understand overview of the project's results and lessons learnt. You can find information about the agenda and the presentations below.
DE4A at the Austrian IRIS symposium
IRIS symposium is an Austrian conference for legal informatics, in which eGovernment is also included in the conference programme. The conference takes place yearly in Salzburg/Austria.
DE4A Moving Abroad pilot, mission accomplished
The DE4A Moving Abroad pilot has been working for some time. Now we have two countries live with pilot services (Spain and Slovenia) for the use case enabling to request an extract or copy of civil status (Birth and Marriage) certificates.
DE4A pilot Doing Business Abroad, successfully completed
Sweden, Romania, Austria and The Netherlands have successfully completed the Doing Business Abroad pilot as part of the DE4A Large Scale Pilot.
Doing Business Abroad microsite updated.
The updates include two new videos on cross-border scenarios: Romanian companies registering in The Netherlands, and Dutch companies registering in Germany. Doing Business Abroad Pilot page.
Launch of services in the final phase of the Studying Abroad pilot
The Studying Abroad pilot of the DE4A project aims at demonstrating in practice the benefits for students and competent authorities of realizing across borders the principles of Once-Only and digital-by-default.
Service Interoperability Solutions Toolbox: DE4A wiki, now available.
In the technical work packages of DE4A, as well as in the technical task team and in DE4A participating organizations, different levels and types of specifications and documentation have been created during the project.