On October 25, 2023 at 12:00 CET, DE4A organises a workshop primarily addressed to starting EBSI projects (VECTOR, EBSI-NE, TRACE4EU, ONEPASS), in order to communicate relevant DE4A outcomes for these projects. This initiative springs from a recommendation at DE4A final review to reach out to these projects under the Digital Europe Programme in order to organise a short workshop on relevant DE4A results to present the work done by DE4A, the outputs that are available for other projects to use and the lessons that DE4A has learned in the course of implementing its contract. Additionally, Atos sees a clear tie-in to work in DC4EU, a starting Large Scale Pilot also addressing a pilot in the education domain.
An overview of the topics of this workshop are:
- Short introduction and overview of the technical components implemented related with self-sovereign identity, piloted and integrated with EBSI through the Early Adopters programme, with focus on cross-border recognition of university degrees. This focus facilitated the integration of public entities emitting these credentials, as well as the public entities providing services (receptors and verifiers of the credentials presented by the students in their wallets)
- A demonstration of the pilot that validated the components.
- Overview of main lessons learnt in the project and where to find the available resources (deliverables, code repository, etc) for further detailed information on the topics commented in the workshop.
Full information, agenda and registration