Digital Europe for All (DE4A) effectively puts forward a new Member State-driven large-scale pilot aimed at compliance with Single Digital Gateway and aligned with EU eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020, Tallinn Declaration and EIF Implementation Strategy. Its over-arching goal is to reinforce trust in public institutions and to unleash multiple measurable positive impacts in terms of efficiency gains and reduction of current administrative burden and costs, rooted on a Toolkit for extended semantic interoperability and on secure, privacy-preserving and trustworthy realisation of fundamental once-only, relevant-only and digital by default principles, through state-of-the-art, usable and high-quality fully online procedures accessible through the Single Digital Gateway (SDG).
DE4A will be validating a comprehensive, holistic, flexible, EU-scalable approach to develop and demonstrate the potential and benefits of securely sharing relevant-only data once-only across digital-by-default, common shared services in line with users’ expectations of giving them access to public services online and making online public services more trustworthy and secure (EU citizenship consultation of 2015). DE4A takes the reality as its starting ground - the needs and the capacities of the Member States, ensures compliance with all relevant regulations (SDGR, GDPR, eIDAS, Services Directive, among others) as well as EU and MS strategic eGovernment and Single Market goals and aims to transform governance towards open collaboration and innovation, adaptable to depart from the variety of current environments.
In this regard, DE4A clearly aims to establish a culture of co-creation, transparency, accountability and trustworthiness. Citizen and business-oriented pilots shall highlight chosen aspects of the technical ecosystem available for the SDG implementation on European and Member State level, prove their technical viability and gauge the performance and degree in which non-functional requirements can be accommodated.
A specific focus will be put on assessing the applicability, benefits and cost effectiveness of innovative technologies with transformative impact: blockchain (for effective disintermediation and notarization, fostering accountability and transparency in distributed transactional environment) and machine learning (over usage data to automate monitoring and improve effectiveness / quality of SDG-related procedures).
Out-of-the-box and forward thinking will be the basis of the DE4A’s approach for the whole project.